글리(Glee)/시즌1 - 방영 중

글리(Glee) 시즌1 x 3화 - Acafellas (한글자막, 영어자막)

Evilone 2009. 9. 24. 08:50


* 방영일 : 2009년 9월 16일

* 제목 : Acafellas

* 시놉시스

Will forms an a capella group and spends more time with them than he does with New Directions after he is asked to preform at the PTA meeting with some surprising additions to his group. Meanwhile, Kurt is under pressure in his life which isn't helped by Mercedes new found interest in finding a relationship.


* 영상정보 : Glee.S01E03.Acafellas.HDTV.XviD-FQM.avi


* 한글자막 by DCinside 기타미드 갤러리, 머핀탑


* 영어자막