트루 블러드(True Blood)/시즌2 - 완결

트루 블러드(True Blood) 시즌2 x 9화 - I Will Rise Up (한글자막, 영어자막)

Evilone 2009. 8. 18. 02:16

트루 블러드(True Blood)


* 방영일 : 2009년 8월 16일

* 제목 : I Will Rise Up

* 시놉시스

Eric gets hurt taking advantage of Sookie's good nature and takes her for a ride. Sookie and Jason bond over their adventures. Lafayette and Lettie Mae try to save their kin from Maryann's clutches. In prison Sam tries to set himself free and avoid Maryann. Eric and his fellow vampires are floored by Godric's decision to take the fall for their disastrous PR.



* 영상정보 : True.Blood.S02E09.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.avi


* 한글자막 by 눈나난나


* 영어자막