필랜스러피스트(The Philanthropist)/시즌1 - 방영 중

필랜스러피스트(The Philanthropist) 시즌1 x 5화 - Kosovo (한글자막, 영어자막)

Evilone 2009. 8. 8. 07:49

필랜스러피스트(The Philanthropist)


* 방영일 : 2009년 7월 22일

* 제목 : Kosovo

* 시놉시스

Teddy meets his ex-wife Julia and tells her about his journey to Kosovo where he tried to get Serbians and Albanians to work together, but learned that the hatred runs deep.


* 영상정보 : The.Philanthropist.S01E05.HDTV.XviD-LOL.avi


* 한글자막 by Asteriod


* 한글자막 by DCinside 기타미드 갤러리, Tinymind


* 영어자막